Policy on grade corrections

If you believe your homework, quiz, exam was graded incorrectly, you must bring it to Professor Horn’s attention within two weeks of the due date of the assignment. This is not about arguing how much partial credit should be given. This is more about making sure points were tallied correctly, grades were entered to BlackBoard correctly, etc.

No late homework, extra credit

As per the syllabus there is a no late homework policy. This applies even if you add the class late.

This may seem like a hard stance, but you must understand there are 180 students in this class with 180 reasons why they couldn’t do the homework on time. There is one instructor with limited time.

So what do I do if I missed an assignment? Answer: extra credit! Any assignment in WebAssign with the work “example” in the title is for extra credit. There will be roughly one extra credit assignment per section. You can easily make up the points missed from an assignment by doing these extra credit problems.

How to format your written homework

You will turn in a small number of written problems each Friday. I have created an example of how to format your writeup.

Note how

  • my name, NetID, MAT295 M100, and date are in the top right corner. Also, put your recitation number there!
  • the assignment number is clearly visible at the top of the first page
  • the problem numbers, including the section number, are to the left of the margin and easy to find
  • the directions of the problem are written
  • the solution is written clearly, the logic is easy to follow, equal signs (=) are used to connect mathematical expressions, and the final answers are clearly indicated
  • when appropriate, the final answer is written in a sentence and easy to find on the page (e.g. in a box)

Homework example

Please follow these guidelines when writing your homework solutions. Your consideration will make collecting, grading, and returning the assignments much easier. Please only turn in those problems that are explicitly designated ‘to be turned in’ on the Assignments page. Failure to follow these instructions may result in a deduction of points.