Author Archives: Peter Horn
Assignment 4
Due Friday, October 2, beginning of class
Complete and hand in:
Section 2.2 # 30 (that says \(x + \frac{1}{x}\))
Section 2.3 # 22 (you do not know the quotient rule, yet, so don’t use it!)
It is strongly recommended that you do all of these problems for practice, though they will not be collected:
2.2: 12
2.3: 6, 14, 26, 38, 40, 62a
Assignment 3
Due Friday, September 25, beginning of class
Complete and hand in:
Section 1.6 # 4
Section 2.1 # 8ab
It is strongly recommended that you do all of these problems for practice, though they will not be collected:
2.1: 12, 20, 44
2.2: 12, 30
Assignment 2
Due Friday, September 18, at the beginning of class.
Section 1.5 # 18, section 1.6 # 16.
Remember the formatting guidelines according to the homework example.
It is strongly recommended that you do all of these problems for practice, though they will not be collected:
1.5: 3a, 16, 40, 41, 42
1.6: 4, 8, 14, 15, 18, 30, 32
Assignment 1
Due Friday, September 11, at the beginning of class
To be turned in:
Section 1.4 # 16 and 41
It is strongly recommended that you do all of these problems for practice, though they will not be collected:
1.3: 3, 6, 8, 10
1.4: 16, 28, 41, 44
How to format your written homework
You will turn in a small number of written problems each Friday. I have created an example of how to format your writeup.
Note how
- my name, MAT295 M001, and date are in the top right corner
- ok wiseguys, YOUR name and not mine should be on the paper
- the assignment number is clearly visible at the top of the first page
- the problem numbers, including the section number, are to the left of the margin and easy to find
- the directions of the problem are written
- the solution is written clearly, the logic is easy to follow, equal signs (=) are used to connect mathematical expressions, and the final answers are clearly indicated
- when appropriate, the final answer is written in a sentence and easy to find on the page (e.g. in a box)
Please follow these guidelines when writing your homework solutions. Your consideration will make collecting, grading, and returning the assignments much easier. Please only turn in those problems that are explicitly designated ‘to be turned in’ on the Assignments page. Failure to follow these instructions may result in a deduction of points.