Final exam information

I’ve made this announcement in class and by email, but here it is on the website.

The final exam is
on 12/16/2015, Wednesday
at 12:30PM – 2:30PM
in School of Management 007

Do not miss the exam. There are no make-ups, redos, or excused absences. Period. (Feel free to email me if you have questions about this).

To study for the final exam, I recommend doing lots of practice problems. The final is cumulative and covers everything from the first day to the last day of class, including section 5.5! Assignment 13 on the website has some 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 problems which are recommended but won’t be collected. There are the reviews in WebAssign. There are extra problems in your textbook to practice. There are final exams from previous semesters to practice (on the Library’s website). In short, there are so many ways to practice/study for the final exam, and not enough time!

In my opinion, there are no “hard” questions on the exam, just many problems on many topics we learned throughout the semester. What makes this exam challenging is that you have to know everything and know it well.

Study study study!