Instructor: Peter Horn
Office: 304D Carnegie
Office hours: Tuesday 1pm – 2pm, Wednesday 11am – 12pm, by appointment, or drop by if my door is open and you have a short question
Lecture: TR 11:00 am – 12:20 pm, 119 Carnegie
Text: Algebraic Topology by Allen Hatcher. I recommend purchasing the book, and it is also available on Allen Hatcher’s website.
Syllabus: read the syllabus for more information
Further reading:
- Topology by James Munkres
- Elements of Algebraic Topology by James Munkres
- A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology by William Massey
Grading policy: homework (30%), one midterm exam (30%), and one final exam (40%). The exams will be take home. Good mathematical exposition is expected on all written assignments. You may work together on the homework, but you are required to hand in your own work. You must work alone on exams. Homework will be assigned roughly once a week.